Wednesday, 18 January 2012

Tears on the sudden demise of Shahzada Huzaifa Bhaisaheb Mohyuddin

Shahzada saheb smiling affectionately at my sons
Death is inevitable. Almost everyday we hear about someone's death. But then there are some deaths that are very hard to swallow. That shake us, shock us_ to say the least_ and leave us in a state of shocked denial. The sudden demise of His Eminence Shahzada Huzaifa Bhaisaheb Mohyuddin (the fourth son of His Holiness Dr. Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin tus)  is one such death. It has left mumineen  across the world in a state of deep mourning and shock. The ears refuse to let the words sink in, the heart refuses to believe the news! How can it be? He appeared so zealous, so alive, so fit and active. Always there in the khidmat of Moula and welfare of mumineen! We had seen him just two days ago in Ahmedabad on Chelum. My mother- in- law  spoke to him just the night before his demise and he appeared as fit and fresh as ever. No one even imagined in their wildest dreams that what the next morning would bring.
His smiling face appears before my eyes. Just twenty one days before his demise he had visited MSB Banswara during Moulana's Taherabad journey. He  visited each and every room of the institue, and took keen interest in all the updates. He affectionately spoke to the students and staff. He indulgently watched the students' performances. He graciously spent so much time in the premises inspite of his very hectic schedule and various appointments. I remember preparing snacks and black tea for him and serving him. He particularly liked the black tea. It was our good fortune to get the sharaf of serving him during his last visit here. He stayed in Banswara town till 3'o clock in night, visiting masjid, mazaar, mumineen's homes and listening to what they had to say. Such was his affection for mumineen and his zeal for khidmat!

He was a pillar of strength and righteousness. A very organized and punctual individual. A very good orator. His organizational skills were exceptional and thus departments of Al vazarat and MSB fluorished under his expert leadership. He started the Taa'bbudaat movement. And there are countless other khidmaat and achievements to his credit.

He lived a life of khidmat and died a death of saa'dat. We mourn him for ourselves, for our loss, not for him_because we know that he has reached the heavens and eternal bliss! We mourn him because he was such a strong arm for our beloved Moula (tus) . The sight of this 100 year old father at the burial of his son wrenched even the hardest of hearts and brought tears to even the driest of eyes.How he must have coped up with this huge loss! But His Sabr e jameel gave strength and solace to everyone.

Shahzada saheb's sudden departure, Aqa moula's shafaa't for him and Mufaddal moula's words for him reinforced the belief in every mumin's heart that this life is but a passage to the eternal life. The heart can cease to beat at any moment but the soul nourished with the love of Moula, Ilm (knowledge) , Amal (good deeds) , and khidmat (service) will continue to live forever and ever. And Moula will do shafaa't of every mumin. What awaits us after this life is much more rewarding! Death is but the beginning!!
I quote Edwin Leibfred here:
                  For death is but a pasing phase of Life
                  A change of dress, a disrobing;
                  A birth into the unborn again;
                  A commencing where we ended;
                  A starting where we stopped to rest
                  A crossroad of Eternity;
                  A giving up of something; to possess all things
                  The end of the unreal, the beginning of the real.

Friday, 6 January 2012

اب اداس پھرتے ہو سردیوں کی شاموں میں

      یہ جاڑوں  کا موسم ! دسمبر کی سرد ہوائیں ، جنوری کی اداس شامیں جن میں انجانا درد خواہ مخواہ ہی دل کو بے چین کرتا ہیں 
قدرت کا بنایا ہوا ہر موسم اپنے اندر بے پناہ خوبصورتی سموے ہوئے ہیں لیکن سردیو کی بات ہی کچھ الگ ہیں . ہمیشہ سے یہ میرا پسندیدہ موسم رہا ہیں اور کئی     خوبصورت یادیں اس سے وابستہ ہیں  .

  دھند میں لپٹی ہوئیں یہ  ٹھنڈی صبحیں ، یہ دانتوں کا بجنا ، ہاتھوں کا کپکپانا ، بجتی ہوئی  الارم بند کرکے سوچنا کہ کاش رات کبھی ختم نہ ہو! وہ بھانپ اڑاتا ہوا  کافی کا مگ ، وہ گرما گرم الوان ، وہ رنگ برنگی شالیں اور  مفلر ، وہ پوری    دوپہر لحاف  میں گھس کر موٹی موٹی کتابیں پڑھنا ، وہ گھنٹو بستر میں پڑے رہنا. وہ نرم دھوپ چہرے پہ محسوس کرنا

              جاڑوں کی سرسراتی  ہوائیں گویا سرگوشیاں کرتی ہوئی محسوس ہوتی  ہیں . اپنے اندر کئی ان کہی داستانیں سمیٹیں ہوۓ! خوبصورت شامیں جن میں ایک بےنام سی اداسی ، ایک خلش دل کو ستاتی ہے . جاڑوں کی لمبی راتیں ، برفیلی ہواؤں کا کھڑکی پہ دستک دینا ، وہ سنسان سڑکیں ، خاموش وادیاں

ہاے یہ افسانوی رومانوی موسم! یہ خوابوں خیالوں کا موسم ! یہ دل کو حسین اداسیاں بخشتا ہوا موسم ! آنکھوں کو انجان سپنے دکھاتا ہوا موسم ! یہ مایوسیوں اور امیدو کے حسین امتزاج کا موسم . یہ گزرے ہوۓ سال کو رخصت کرنے  اور نئے    سال کو خوش آمدید کہنے کا موسم ! کاش یہ خوبصورت موسم یوں ہی برقرار رہے .....