Sunday, 29 April 2012

Thirties rock!!

I am in my early thirties. I no longer believe that I am invincible, or that the world revolves around me! And I have reached the realization that temper tantrums will get me nowhere! Kids have started calling me 'Aunty'! The indians' tendency  to address anyone, even a complete stranger as 'uncle' or 'aunty' is pretty annoying. Sometimes you find people double your age with greying hairs, addressing you as aunty, and you wonder are they blind or what?? But then you realize that it is their vain attempt to defy age that makes them address everyone as aunty or uncle. But that will need another post, and before i go completely off-track, let me come back to the point i was trying to make. That i am no longer a young- twentyish -something -lady! My elder one has recently turned 10. And that makes me feel older! It was not until a few years ago that the college going teenagers would mistaken me as one of them (oh how good it felt!) Though my physical appearance has not changed much in these few years, but perhaps the calm and maturity that age offers, and the presence of a ten year old besides me, makes me look my age.

Thirties can be a very pleasant age. It is a period in a woman's life when she is more settled in life. When her children no longer need her constant attention.When she can devote more time to herself. When she finds an inner calm and serenity.   It is an age when follies of youth are almost over.  When one has learnt from mistakes. When one knows what one wants from life, or what one doesn't!

It is an age when a person is neither too old to try new things and explore new worlds, nor too young to foolishly believe that he or she  can be everything at once! (there was a point in my life when i wanted to be a lawyer, a teacher, a journalist, an artist, a writer, and a detective!)
It is an age when passion no longer clouds one's better judgement. When one has stopped making friends with every tom , dick and harry. It is an age which offers wisdom, maturity and sensitivity. An age when one appreciates his parents, his friends, his family more. When things are not taken for granted!

Today in my thirties, while reflecting back, i realize the mistakes that i have made, the times when i have been ungrateful and reckless. But i don't intend to dwell on it forever. Instead i feel that with age i have definitely become more sensitive, more appreciative of my blessings, and more accommodating to others. I don't feel old a bit! I have a job that i love, a wonderful family life,and more time to pursue my hobbies compared to my twenties. There are a lot of things that i still want to accomplish, and i feel that life has truly begun for me! Who said thirties is middle age? i think thirties rock!! :)  Did anyone just call me 'aunty'? I don't mind! ;)


  1. Wow! My perspective on Middle age has changed after reading this!! I love the positivity in you and I feel that it's contagious.Now excuse me, but I have some exploring to do!:)

    1. thanks hani, u r one loyal reader! ;) and i would love to read your take on middle age!

  2. HMmmm !!! chronological Age just a number, what ever be your number what matters is the mental age

  3. something to look forward to :)

  4. hmmmm.. v nice.... now i knw wat i shod look forward too;)........n somhowe it makes me happy....(wierd)

    1. Nis dear, u will love thirties, believe me! ;)

  5. Tasneem,
    absolutely loved it this for many reasons! First: I can 'so' relate! Two: Brilliantly executed. Three: Agree with darling Hani and love your optimism. Four: Your inspired me to write and dwell on this topic.

    I am one who has a tendency to regret the passing of youth. But you are right--if there is one phase when a woman feels more settled and as if she finally knows who she is--it may be the 30s.

    Age is a number--i know so many ppl in their 40s and 50s and beyond who lead amazingly active and full lives full of vigour and purpose. And its downright inspiring!

    Great stuff here and food for thought

    1. Oh dear Maryam, you are very generous with your comments. thank u :) . I m glad u can 'so'relate to it, because i have read your post 'the remains of youth' and i could relate to it, and that in a way inspired me to think about the fading of my youth, and then i looked for the positive things in my life, and this is what i found!
      Thanks for your input, keep reading!

  6. Great thinking tas, you opened the doors of youth again!!!!

  7. Hey tasneem ben. .beautifully written..n expressed. .u really seem to have sinked in the 30's !!!
    Welll ....
    30's are a bridge between the highly eruptive volatile exuberating enticing Disney land ride ... and the peaceful serene tranquil pacifying lay on the beach ....
    Ie ... the explosive youth ... and the sober middle age ..
    Every time of life is a new experience ..a new day ..a new horizon to explore wonder n cherish .. n a way to ponder the upon the wavering inconstant motion of life .. n how every hurdle of the present becomes a smile of the past ..
