Sunday, 29 April 2012

Thirties rock!!

I am in my early thirties. I no longer believe that I am invincible, or that the world revolves around me! And I have reached the realization that temper tantrums will get me nowhere! Kids have started calling me 'Aunty'! The indians' tendency  to address anyone, even a complete stranger as 'uncle' or 'aunty' is pretty annoying. Sometimes you find people double your age with greying hairs, addressing you as aunty, and you wonder are they blind or what?? But then you realize that it is their vain attempt to defy age that makes them address everyone as aunty or uncle. But that will need another post, and before i go completely off-track, let me come back to the point i was trying to make. That i am no longer a young- twentyish -something -lady! My elder one has recently turned 10. And that makes me feel older! It was not until a few years ago that the college going teenagers would mistaken me as one of them (oh how good it felt!) Though my physical appearance has not changed much in these few years, but perhaps the calm and maturity that age offers, and the presence of a ten year old besides me, makes me look my age.

Thirties can be a very pleasant age. It is a period in a woman's life when she is more settled in life. When her children no longer need her constant attention.When she can devote more time to herself. When she finds an inner calm and serenity.   It is an age when follies of youth are almost over.  When one has learnt from mistakes. When one knows what one wants from life, or what one doesn't!

It is an age when a person is neither too old to try new things and explore new worlds, nor too young to foolishly believe that he or she  can be everything at once! (there was a point in my life when i wanted to be a lawyer, a teacher, a journalist, an artist, a writer, and a detective!)
It is an age when passion no longer clouds one's better judgement. When one has stopped making friends with every tom , dick and harry. It is an age which offers wisdom, maturity and sensitivity. An age when one appreciates his parents, his friends, his family more. When things are not taken for granted!

Today in my thirties, while reflecting back, i realize the mistakes that i have made, the times when i have been ungrateful and reckless. But i don't intend to dwell on it forever. Instead i feel that with age i have definitely become more sensitive, more appreciative of my blessings, and more accommodating to others. I don't feel old a bit! I have a job that i love, a wonderful family life,and more time to pursue my hobbies compared to my twenties. There are a lot of things that i still want to accomplish, and i feel that life has truly begun for me! Who said thirties is middle age? i think thirties rock!! :)  Did anyone just call me 'aunty'? I don't mind! ;)

Wednesday, 11 April 2012

To my love....

It must have been love at first sight! I can't exactly recall when was the first time that we were introduced to each other, because I was very young at that time. But ever since I can remember, you have been an inseparable part of my life. I have always cherished your sweet company. Be it a party, a boring lecture, a stressful day, a quiet moment, a joyous celebration or just an ordinary day_ you have always been there.

People accuse me of being addicted to you. They point out that your excessive company is not doing me any good. They advise me to avoid you as much as possible. But how can I do that? My heart melts at your sight and all I want is to posses you. May be that's why it is said that love is blind! (and deaf and dumb as well)! I don't care whether you are a good influence or a bad one, because the  euphoria that you provide me with is beyond words. As soon as I see you, all I want to do is drown myself in your sweetness. You are tentalizing as well as soothing, at the same time.

I admire you with all your different moods and avatars , whether its dark, bitter, sweet, smooth, hard, hot, cold or molten. You are so tempting, and I totlly agree with Oscar Wilde when he says that ; "I can resist anything except temptation"! I admit without fear or shame that I simply can't resist you. You are absolutely irresistible! So let's not give a hoot to what anyone says, and lets become one! Ah! let me immerse myself in the pleasure that you have to offer, my dearest chocolate bar! I just can't survive without you. ;)