Saturday, 1 October 2011

I am the google of my house!!

Yes! you read it right! I am the google of my house. I have to constantly search. Whether it is the misplaced wallet and keys of my husband, politically correct answers to the tricky questions of my kids, solution to a complex situation, reason of my kids' tantrums or the explanation of my husband's moodiness! I am always searching!!

In this male populated house, being the only female I am expected to be the search engine. My husband keeps forgetting the 'misplacing location' of his things. Be it his wallet, his keys, his documents, his ring, his mobile or his cheque book! you name it! And I am supposed to know the exact location of every misplaced thing and produce it magically. Though I do succeed most of the time , but it irritates me. I want to tell my hubby that, " please google your own things, I have a lot of my own googling to do!" But then I see my MIL searching every morning for my FIL's misplaced belongings, and I smile to myself and realize that "It runs in the male genes of the family!"

And then there is my elder one who actually thinks that his mother has got all the answers and she is the google!! (Ah! the naivety of childhood!) So to answer his endless questions ranging from extinct species to dwarf planets, I have to open my laptop and get google's help. Though now I have taught him how to google and get his own answers.

And then there is my younger one who wants me to search and produce chocolates for him all the time. Though I must say that he has inherited some of my googling abilities. He can sniff a chocolate from the corners of my purse and depths of my cupboard.

And then there's me! Constantly thinking and searching reasons for my complex emotions, my restlessness, my hard-to-crack-nuttiness! Finding meaning where none exists! searching answers to perplexing questions that are beyond human comprehension, beyond google search engine!! :)


  1. I want Google to be the third half of your brain...

  2. Ha Ha Ha Tasneem ben this is so very true!!!except the Husband part because he does not forget anything but yes he is very (cleanoholic) and wants the house spic and span everytime he enters the house or is in the house...

    1. Hehe arwa! husbands want everything spic and span and on its place, though they themselves forget where they have kept their things ;)

  3. Google aah what a sublime terminology for anything related to "Search"..
    Well be careful when u impersonate urself as google .. cz many a times u tend to misplace ur mind in minding ur place !! That s when ur googlied !! N not googled !!

    1. Whether googlied or googled, my mind and my heart remain at one home!!

  4. Respected google wife,

    Can u search for another "googling wife" for your husband? Or would your servers go down?

  5. servers would definitely crash for this particular search! :)
    I do all the googling for my husband, he doesn't need another 'googling wife' ;)

  6. Google believes in backup
