Saturday, 15 September 2012

In Maula's praise

Last week, we_the MSB family_  got the azeem sharaf of ziafat of His Holiness Dr. Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin(tus). I wrote this humble poem to be presented to him in ziafat.

O’ Noorani Maula , O’ angel of light,
You make my life pure, radiant and bright.

Beholding your Noorani face is my Ibaadat,
Through it I gain everlasting saa’dat.

None can compare thee in thy eminence,
You outshine the stars in their radiance.

Your exalted being, your dignified presence,
Fills my heart with awe and reverence.

Sweeter than the sweetest honey, is thy voice,
It melts the hearts and makes them rejoice.

O’ pillar of righteousness o’ saviour of millions,
 With your piety and conduct you inspire millions.

In your glory and magnificence you are like sun,
Your light is reflected in Mufaddal(tus)_your son.

May you both live a life of health,
Of glory, peace, bliss and wealth.

1 comment:

  1. Many Mubarakbadis on the sharaf of Ziyafat!
    Its a lovely poem--a perfect blend of love, sincerity, rhythm and rhyme.
